Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vacation: 1st of 16

My vacation started today. I'm off work through 19 October. (Two discretionary days and two weeks of vacation.)

I spent the day doing nail trims and cleaning ears at Greyfest, the local rescue group's annual festival. I did about $310 in business: that's about 20 dogs for nails and ears, and another 16 for nails only.

I think I'm getting old. Nail trims on greyhounds involve getting down to ground level to do the back nails on both feet (lift the feet backwards, as if you are shoeing a horse); while you're on the ground, shift over to do the front foot on that same side. Then, stand up, move around to the other side of the dog, and get back to ground level to do the other front foot. And stand up again.

Greyhounds aren't sturdy enough dogs to haul you up from the ground: that was about 36 dogs times down-on-the-ground twice per dog, and I had to haul myself back to my feet every time.

One woman suggested I should get a stool I could push against to stand up. I said I'd prefer a strapping young man to haul me to my feet. I'll have to see what I can negotiate for next year.

Sam and Jacey went, too, and now are sleeping off their day of barking, whining, jumping, and barking some more. I have some freelance proofreading to do tonight for a client.

Day 1 of the vacation has been very much a busman's holiday.

Day 2 features a condo association board meeting. (Be still, my heart.)

Now, Voyager is on TCM tonight. Tomorrow is Anna Karenina, The Spiral Staircase, Romeo and Juliet, and The King and I. Think I'm going to give my condo proxy to someone else so I can stay home and knit...and watch movies.


christie said...

But, you did an awesome job at Greyfest! Thank you!

KF-in-Georgia said...

Thank you. Did I do Gemini's nails without realizing it was him?

Anonymous said...

Your vacation plans sound awesomely relaxing. :) I could use time off like that.