At present, the dog is earless, eyeless, and bodyless. Brainless, too. (I can't stuff the head until I get the eyes in place, and I'm not up to that wrestling match tonight. Safety eyes are hard to get out--or in. That's what makes them "safety.")
Progress on this dog is likely to be slow. Crocheting in the round is rough on my wrists, so I will have to limit the time I work on this.
This dog will go to Second Chance Greyhounds for "adoption" (i.e., fundraising).
The Sunburst doily is still alive and well, and hanging on to its shape. As long as it continues to behave itself, I'll be happy.
I also finished a baby sweater I was working on. This one (toddler-sized rather than infant-sized) is going to a little girl.

I've started another BSJ as my lunch-time project. I may start another one to work on at home when too much crocheting is bothering my wrists. Friends are having babies faster than I can knit.
Finally, Jacey's doing better: no stomach troubles since the incident on Saturday. This morning was full of errands--blades and shears for work to be sharpened, then the bank, Costco, gas, Michael's, Target, Walmart, recycling, and Subway ($5 foot-longs!). My next day off is Monday--when I have to go back to the blade-sharpening place to get my stuff.
Kathy, that is awesome! Thank you so much. SCG will find a good home for that pup.
I wish there was a knitted version of that pattern. I would love to knit a greyhound. I'm all thumbs when it comes to crochet. I figured someone on Ravelry would have come up with one by now!
I'm glad Jacey's doing much better. Roxy has come down with some sort of bug this morning and is refusing to eat. Maybe there is something going around like it does in the daycare center!
Kathy, I second what Heather said. Thanks so much! This is wonderful and you know I will find a great home for him/her. You know, there is a group up North who has inmates in a prison make these for them. They don't do many and they won't do any for other groups (of course, I've asked!). Maybe we can get our inmates to crochet as well!! :)
Thanks again. We so appreciate the donation!
PS - glad that Jacey is feeling better!
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