Monday, June 5, 2006

Yarns from Georgia (lots of photos)

A fellow greyhound owner has had her first baby, a girl named Lauren Avery S. This afghan, in a pattern called "Spiderweb," is for her.


MartiP's son is going to be a father. And this afghan is in the works--about 35 percent done.


I posted a while back about the bedspread/afghan I intend to make, based on a log cabin quilt pattern tile. This is the bed the afghan is intended for.


(Picture Sam sleeping right where he is, with me clinging to the side of the bed, and Jacey hanging on at the foot. Oh, and I Photoshop'd out my bad housekeeping. {*grin*})

The yarn for the afghan/bedspread has arrived:

Sam's pissed that he lost his spot on the bed to a bunch of yarn (that I won't let him play with).
Displaced Sam

There are more pictures in my Yarns set on Flickr. Also, details about yarns and patterns are in the captions on Flickr.

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