Friday, February 6, 2009


I seem to have skipped posting about a November BSJ (that's "Baby Surprise Jacket").

I made a sweater for a coworker who had a boy in November. She asked if she could pay me to make a larger-size sweater for her boy, a sweater he could grow into. Well, I didn't take payment for it, but I made the boy this:


Here's a close-up of the buttons:


And with some leftover yarn I made baby washcloths:


I've now made seven sweaters from the BSJ pattern, and I'm working on the eighth...and I have yarn for more. It's a lovely pattern, pure garter stitch, which is sort of mindless knitting, easy to do during my lunch break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The yellow on the washcloths look like little duckies to me. :)